Ferias de Proyectos Anteriores

Proyectos Feria de Fortaleza Ceará Brasil

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Number GG number Project's name Country City or Town District Rotary Club Do you have an international sponsor? Total value of the project (USD) Missing funding Area of ​​interest
G02012456978Equip three schools with 3D printing technology, promoting care for the environment.ArgentinaVilla Gesell4921Villa GesellNO30000.0030000Support for the Environment
G02032567792GREEN CITYBrasilSANTOS DUMONT4521SANTOS DUMONTNO70000.0065000Support for the Environment
G02042463386Breast milk bank at the Hospital Universitário Evangélico Mackenzie in Curitiba - Paraná - BrazilBrasilCuritiba4730Curitiba Santa FelicidadeNO30000.0030000Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02052463726Equipment for the Public Health System of the city of TandilArgentinaTANDIL4921ROTARY TANDIL Y ROTARY TANDIL NORTESI36000.0024900Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02072568576A Canvas for the FutureBrasilSantos Dumont4521Santos DumontNO36000.0035000Basic Education and Literacy
G02082456249ROTARY MOBILE HEALTH IBrasilsalvador9350luandaSI68900.0052300Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02094690001Provision of X-ray equipment for Santa CruzBoliviaSanta Cruz4690GrigotaSI55000.0027400Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02101Enabling of Clinical Units for Specialized Neurology Services at the Sanatorio HospitalChileViña del mar4320Viña del marNO41421.0021421Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02114175DOWN MALDONADO ASSOCIATION - RAINBOW LAUNDRYUruguayMaldonado4975maldonado EsteNO54291.0044891Economic development of the community.
G02122454711Sensory Room - Helping and Developing People with AutismParaguayCiudad del este4845Ciudad del esteNO30773.0026173Basic Education and Literacy
G02132466091Rotary Move HBrasilGuarulhos4563Guarulhos vila galvãoNO32682.009482Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02142466979REVITALIZATION OF THE SURGICAL BLOCK OF THE SANTA CASA DE MISERICÓRDIA HOSPITALBrasilSÃO LOURENÇO DO SUL4680Rotary club de são lourenço do sulSI30000.005500Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02150Maker Space - Bauru Children's LegionBrasilBauru4510de BauruNO49000.0049000Economic development of the community.
G02162569186MORE CARE for Children with Neurological Disabilities at APAE Nossa Senhora de SocorroBrasilNossa senhora do socorro4391Aracaju nova geraçãoNO35041.0035041Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02172569288Waste recycling plant for the city of Villa Gesell (equipment)ArgentinaVilla Gesell4921Villa GesellNO70000.0070000Support for the Environment
G02180Personal development and empowerment of women and adolescentsBrasilRio Pardo E eNCRUZILHADA DO SUL4680DE rio pardo tranqueira invicta e rotary clube de Encruzilhada do sulNO30000.0013600Basic Education and Literacy
G02190YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIPS WITH TRAINING AND MICROCREDITS IN THE PEDRO MONCAYO COUNTY, PICHINCHA. ECUEcuadorpedro moncayo4400Quito InterculturalNO70000.0065400Economic development of the community.
G02202464775MOBILE BLOOD DONATION VANArgentinaPuerto iguazu4845PUERTO IGUAZU CATARATASSI80000.0078000Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02211COMMUNITY SCHOOL KITCHENBrasilTREZE TÍLIAS4740treze tíliasNO33011.0012111Economic development of the community.
G022221541254Acquisition of complete ultrasound equipment (with printer and UPS)BrasilMaravilha4740Maravilha centroNO65601.0053401Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G022311497982Diagnóstico do Alzheimer pela Saliva: elemento estratégico para melhor qualidade de vida do idosoBrasilLouveira4590LOuveiraNO70000.0062800Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G0224123456Learning to UndertakeBrasilIpatinga4521IpatingaNO48114.0041714Economic development of the community.
G02252Landscaping Project for the Araucárias Lake IslandBrasilFraiburgo4740FraiburgoNO35000.0023700Support for the Environment
G02263Solid Waste Crusher and GranulatorBrasilChapeco4740CHAPECO OESTENO35986.0025686Economic development of the community.
G02272569483ReabiliteMais Initiative: Expanding Access and Quality of Rehabilitation ServicesBrasilmarília4510marília - inovaçãoNO80000.0080000Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02282463077SENSORIARTE spaceBrasilpresidente prudente4510PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE - NORTENO48900.0048900Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G022912345Milking room at the Cesar Leite Hospital in Manhuaçu - MGBrasilManhuaçu4521ManhuaçuNO35244.0035244Maternal and child health
G0230123456HANDS ON PROJECTBrasilRio Claro4590Rio ClaroNO45863.0045863Support for the Environment
G02312569492ADDING VALUE TO PLASTIC WASTEBoliviaSanta cruz de la sierra4690Rotary Club GrigotáNO45000.0039600Support for the Environment
G02320Energy and Environmental Sustainability for the Hospital of São Vicente de Paulo – João PessoaBrasilJoão pessoa4500João pessoa norteNO51000.0051000Support for the Environment
G02330APICULTURAL PROJECT IN THE CONDURU COMMUNITY OF CODÓ-MABrasilcodó4490CODÓNO30100.0030100Economic development of the community.
G02341Improvement in the Otorhinolaryngology Structure of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São PauloBrasilSão paulo4563De são paulo-sumaréNO66000.0066000Prevention and treatment of diseases.
G02350Physiotherapy Room for People with DisabilitiesBrasilCAXIAS4490Caxias - lesteNO30050.0030050Prevention and treatment of diseases.